I decided I am sick of waiting for my silk to arrive for my December page! I feel like I am just wasting my time, so I decided to get on with January's page while I wait. I hate to skip December, it completely goes against my nature. I like things to be in the order they are supposed to be in. I know, I am strange, but its the way I like things to be. In order. Here is a teaser picture. I think its pretty funny how the rough draft looks! I know in my head how it will look and its nothing like this! I also have a little container of some of the beads I will be using on this page. I bet you cant guess where I am going with it can you? I welcome anyone to try to guess! We are expecting about 6" more snow tomorrow, so hopefully I can get a good start to this page. I am excited now that I have somewhat of a plan. Hugs to you all!
PS. I am shocked! I just did spellcheck and for the first time no spelling errors were found. Gotta write that one on the calender!
What a tease what a tease you are! LOL! WINK WINK! I am about ready to put the TV out to the curb on trash day- I am sick of it telling me more snow is on the way! xoxox
I'm blaming it on brain freeze, cause I can't even attempt to figure out January! Totally clueless....can't wait to see!
KILEIGH ITS ABOUT KILEIGH!!!!! haha love you
Boy, ya got me. Letters and numbers and hearts and frames. No Clue. But it will be wonderful!
Hug Maddy for me.
Hi Tracey -- I skipped November and I've been slowly adding to it. It will get done but I figured I'd rather stay current than be forever behind. Thanks for your nice comments on my December piece! And I'm looking forward to a peek at January.... xoxo Susan
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