Well, I am surprised to say that it has been a year to the day since my Father passed away. I am surprised it is already a year, and yet it seems so long since I saw his face, saw him smile and heard his voice. So much has changed in this last year. I have my first grandchild, both my daughters were married, as they say "Time marches on" and it indeed does. I wonder what he would have thought about both my girls getting married, what he would think of Kileigh. I think he would be happy for my girls, and I think he would get a big kick out of Kileigh. Shes got some of his spunk I think. Too bad they missed each other by just about 3 weeks, or did they? One never knows. Its so strange how life works sometimes. When I was pregnant with my oldest daughter Jess, my Grandmother passed away 2 weeks before her birth. Then when my youngest Courtney is pregnant with Kileigh, my Father passes away 3 weeks before her birth. The circle of life continues.....
I miss my Dad so much but at the same time I am glad to know he is in a better place, no longer in pain and waiting for us all to be together again. This is one of my favorite pictures of him in his beloved Mustang, taken just 3 months before his death. He looks so happy! Love you Dad!
Oh Tracey how does the time move so fast! It seems just like yesterday your Dad was giving me a hard time at one of the girls graduation parties! I am glad he is in a better place! This is a wonderful photo of him! It is coming up on two years since Cathy passed away and it is so dang hard! HUGS! xoxo! Love you!
It is so beautiful, Tracey, that you can share your thoughts and feelings about missing your Dad. It helps me to remember my Dad and recognize the sense of loss still within me. How fortunate we both are to have a special, wonderful relationship with our Dads!! Thank you for this post! Robin A.
Hi Tracey. Nice post, remembering your Dad. I don't know how long it was before I had my daughter that my grandmother Laura died. Not too long. Back then, we didn't know if our baby would be a boy or girl. A boy would be Adam and a girl would be Lisa. Well, after almost losing our baby and an emergency C-Section, our daughter was born. When they came in to ask for her name for the birth certificate, I said Laurieanne. Where did that come from? I am sure my grandmother was with me through the delivery and her presence is why I named my daugher after her. I got a million of these stories. Those that pass continue to watch over the loves they leave behind.
Hi Tracey, I can really sympathize. I lost my aunt, my mom, my hubby and my brother in about 2 years time (2005-2007). My hubby, my brother and my mom all had birthdays in January! I'm trying not to be sad though, they ARE in a better place. Happy birthday in Heaven!
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