Tuesday, September 9, 2008

More progress

Hello??? Anyone out there? I got my grommets done yesterday as planned and a little more bead work too. If you notice from yesterdays picture, the line of green beads is gone...I hated it and didnt know where to go from there so I ripped them out and started over. I am really enjoying these bright colors. I don't really know where I am going with this piece. I don't think I actually have a say in it, the beads are doing all the talking here! As I work on this piece, my mind is going around and around about next months page. I am thinking something along the lines of Halloween or maybe a fall colors type page. Luckily October is a rather happy month for me, no bad memories or sad things to do a page about. Looks like I can do anything I please! I used to have a really neat picture of the most gnarly, ugly and scary tree, that would be really fun to work with. Hmm...I wonder where I have that picture!?


K Hutchinson said...

OH this is just coming along so nice! Oh what fun a Halloween one would be :)

Mary said...

Simply amazing work!

Tracey Leeder said...

Thanks Mary! I looked at your blog as well and you have some beautiful work as well! Take care, tracey

Tracey Leeder said...

Thanks Kimmer! I am already swirling ideas in my head.

Betty said...

Love your work. Makes me think I'm out of my league. I have done more quilting than beading, but with inspiration from bjp members, I hope to improve. Keep up the good work.