Weather like this is my favorite kind of weather! I know my girls Jess & Courtney think I am nuts, but this time of year with the 50 degree days and 40 degree nights is my ideal! I love fall colors and smells. The apple stand is full of wonderful colors and beautiful mum plants! I just love it.
Anyway, here is my progress on my October page. I thought I was so far ahead, but I am really not! October starts tomorrow. I am happy with how its turning out. Its so much fun to use these pretty colors, the subject matter is fun too. Just what I needed for this month after the doom and gloom of the past 2 pieces I have done. In my mind I have the next 4 or so pages all figured out. I may have to do more than 1 per month though, with all the ideas I have in mind! Gotta go bead shopping too one of these days. I keep talking about it, I just need to do it! Have a wonderful evening. I just brewed a pot of hot tea....yummy! Gonna curl up on the couch, sip some tea and bead! Sounds like the perfect evening to me.