OOPS! how the heck did that happen? Somehow time got away from me and I missed posting a couple weeks. I guess this post will have to cover the two weeks I am behind. Maybe because I have been spending so much time out in the woods, or walking along the river? Maybe because I havent taken the time to post because it takes time away from photography or family time? Maybe I'm just lazy?? No matter, I can always play catch up. Anyway, on to the pictures.
Week 11 - The Possibilities are Endless.
4 Sandhill Cranes in heavy cover. I chose this shot because when I go out on a nature Walk, I feel like the possibilities are endless on what I could see. Sometimes, I dont see much, other times I am amazed!
Week 12 - Observe the Curve
I chose this picture for this prompt because I loved the curve of the ice over the water. Interesting what Mother Nature can do.
There you have it! I am all caught up again. Enjoy your week, spend lots of time out in Nature if you can. It is so good for the soul.