Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Quick update

I just wanted to fill in those of you who are following Maddux's story. Had another trip to the Vet this afternoon after finding several huge blisters on his tummy and flanks. He has Toxic Shock Syndrome! It was brought on by his extremely high fever Saturday night. This poor baby doesn't get a break. We had it cultured to be sure he is on the correct antibiotic for this virus. We will get preliminaries tomorrow hopefully. Throughout all of this, his little tail still wags for his mama. I stopped at McDonald's on the way home and got him a double cheeseburger. He ate the whole darn thing! His temperature is down to 101.5 which is great. Now we have to get him to get feeling better. I am doing lots of research and contacted a Vet in NY who specializes in Shar Pei Fever Syndrome. She is calling me tomorrow. I hope she can help us. If she cant, no one can! Maddux says thank you to everyone for all their prayers. He sends out big slobbery kisses to you all!
Tomorrow I will post something I got in the mail on Monday. Be prepared to have your socks blown off! I know mine were. Boy, that didnt just date me did it??
HINT: its from Lynn of beading heart art if you haven't already, you have GOT to look at her blog. This is one talented, sweet lady. Hugs to everyone!!


Jacquie said...

Wow, I didn't know dogs got that!! My dogs have had lots of different illnesses, but that's a new one! Poor little Maddux. That's great that he is at least eating!! Good sign I hope.

Anonymous said...

I sure hope the vet in NY can help Maddux! You know I will keep him in my prayers!

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Maddy is a boy with a lot of heart. His valient fight is a tribute to you and how much he loves you. Funny how a taily wag can capture your heart. Thank you for keeping us posted on his condition. I am praying to St. Francis for Maddy.

Much love to Maddy and strength to you, friend.

PS, isn't your butterfly beautiful!

Lynn said...

Hey there girlfriend! You just keep spoiling that baby of yours - he deserves it. Thanks for taking the time to fill us in on how he's doing. I think of you often. thanks for the mention on your blog ;) You are a love!