I decided to participate in Ashley Sisk's Memories, Dreams and Reflections this year. What a great way to look back on the past year, and realize where I have been and where I want to go. It was a great year, challenging in many ways, and rewarding in many ways too. It was a year of personal growth, personal loss and great change. I am hoping 2012 will be kinder to me. I have so much to look forward too, but find myself being pulled back to the familiar and comfortable too. I need to break free of negativity and fear, and appreciate what I DO have, not what I don't. I need to balance "wants" with "needs". I am so appreciative of my friends and family, and all of you too! I hope you enjoy my photographs, it was tough to pick just 1 photo to describe each category. I wanted to add many!
I hate getting my picture taken, so I was very limited in pictures of myself.
I Love You
I thought this picture was just too sweet not to use. Ethan and Kileigh
Still Laughing
Kim and I went to a local park, where we knew waterfowl congregated. We came across a large flock of geese and decided we wanted to make the Geese fly to try to get a bird in flight photo. I went running into a flock of geese flapping my arms and cawing like a crow. We were laughing so hard at the thought someone may be watching us, we though we may wet our pants! Still makes me smile thinking about that day.
Winter Wonderland
We haven't had any snow to speak of yet this winter. We did have a heavy frost today, and I snapped this picture this morning. I thought it was sweet and simple.
Ethan's hands at his 2 year Birthday 11-26-11
This photo is priceless. Christmas morning 2011
I love the looks on both of their faces.
I was Inspired
This photo inspired me to learn how to use my camera in more than "Automatic" mode.
I plan on learning it inside and out, to use my camera to the best of my ability.
Spring Fever
Yellow Paperwasp, one of the few photos I have edited with texture, etc. I love my pics straight out of the camera. This picture makes me ache for spring, all the colors, the warmth and being outside.
Travel or Vacation
Son Aaron, just after he came back home to Wisconsin to live after living in Texas for 6 years. I hope we have many many more fishing trips like this one.
Summer Days
This picture was one of the pictures that made me want to get much more serious with photography. It is simple, yet powerful to me. I took it with a "point and shoot" camera before I got my Canon 60D. The day I took it, it was indeed a perfect summer day, 80 and sunny.
A Day in my Life
I start and end each day with a cup of tea. The favorite at the moment is called "Ginger Peach" although I do drink a cup of Chamomile before bed each night. I love the message on this cup too. I need to "Believe" in myself, in others and in a higher being.
All Smiles
One of my absolute favorite pictures of the year. It brings a smile to my face every time I see it. Grandson Ethan, being Ethan. I don't know why he decided to put the Milkweed fuzz on his face, I am just glad I had the camera ready when he did. I even like that the picture isn't centered. I am usually a very symmetric person, but in this case it works that it is asymmetrical.
Autumn Harvest
A picture from one of the many trips out Kim and I made this year. I would love to live here. Looks like heaven to me. I loved the colors left, even though it was a bit far into the leaf changing.
Family or Home
I wanted to use a picture of myself, my kids and Grand babies, but couldnt find a single shot with all of us in it! Instead of leaving someone out, I decided to use a picture of the view out my patio door. I spend a lot of time looking out while the dogs are outside, during storms and just when the sky is pretty. This view does represent "Home" to me, although I do think Home is where my loved ones are, wherever that may be.
I have used this picture before, but it does represent "Celebrate" to me. It was our Thanksgiving toast this year, wishing us all a happy, healthy, year and acknowledging our families first Thanksgiving without my Mother who passed away in May of 2011. She always wanted us to celebrate her life, instead of mourning her death. This one is for you Mom, I love you.
Let's Do It Again
Another of one of Kim's and my many nature walks. We walked the local Iceage trail, imagine our surprise to end up on a local golf course! We were laughing pretty hard about it. This is what we first saw rounding the corner. It was a complete accident that the sun was streaming through the power lines in the back, almost making it look like it was lit by the sun! I thought it was kind of cool. Cant wait to spend much more time on walks with you Kim! We just never know where we will go or what we will see.
I Miss You
As some of you know, my Daughter Courtney and Granddaughter Kileigh lived with me for almost 2 1/2 years. They recently moved out and I have a huge hole in my life and heart without them here. I got used to seeing them every day. I do miss them terribly. I love you girls.
I am completely in love with Hawks. This one has been hanging around my house for a couple of weeks now. I feel it is my animal totem. I even named him "AJ" Green Bay Packer fans will get a chuckle out of that one. This particular day I was sewing at the kitchen table, looked up and out the patio door to see AJ on my patio! Mind you, I live in the middle of the city, so it's not a common sight. I ran for my camera and was able to get this shot of him flying away. This is beautiful to me.
Dress Up
Trying to get a picture of this little nut without her tongue sticking out or a forced fake smile is almost impossible. I had to settle for a goofy pose instead. Kileigh in her Christmas dress.
I can't say this is my absolute favorite macro shot. It is one of many favorites. I couldn't nail it down and wanted to include my dear sweet Maddux. He is the best dog in the world, my best friend, my confidant, my shoulder to cry on and one of my biggest fans. I see nothing but love in his eyes. He follows me everywhere. He can make me smile even when my world is crumbling around me. We have been together for 7 years now. He is in Renal failure and I dont know how much more time I have with him. I Love you buddy.
Not a good quality picture, but to me its a perfect representation of what Christmas is all about, which is the children. The look on her face of anticipation is priceless. This is just before we opened presents, when Kileigh was told to go sit by the tree and get ready to open her presents. She almost is beside herself with excitement.
My Favorite
I picked this one as my favorite (its one of my favorites) because it is one of the first shots I really took my time with, paid attention to the placement and composition, and really was pleased with the end result. It was taken before I got my Canon, with a Fujifilm camera. I thought it turned out nicely with a pretty mediocre camera, but showed my growth as a photographer.
Don't Ever Change
My Son-in-law Michael and Daughter Jessica. They are so in love, expecting baby #2, genuine lovely, caring people. They always open their home and hearts to our family. They are supportive and generous. They are both hard working and honest. I hope they never change. I love you guys.
Just Because....so there!
I find this photo so peaceful, calm and beautiful. One of my favorites of the last year. I was so excited when I first saw it on my pc, and find myself drawn to it time and time again. Straight out of the camera, just the way I like it!
Hopes and Dreams
Wishing you nothing but the best in 2012. Thank you for joining me on my creative journey. I appreciate it more than you will ever know.
I Love You
I thought this picture was just too sweet not to use. Ethan and Kileigh
Still Laughing
Kim and I went to a local park, where we knew waterfowl congregated. We came across a large flock of geese and decided we wanted to make the Geese fly to try to get a bird in flight photo. I went running into a flock of geese flapping my arms and cawing like a crow. We were laughing so hard at the thought someone may be watching us, we though we may wet our pants! Still makes me smile thinking about that day.
Winter Wonderland
We haven't had any snow to speak of yet this winter. We did have a heavy frost today, and I snapped this picture this morning. I thought it was sweet and simple.
Ethan's hands at his 2 year Birthday 11-26-11
This photo is priceless. Christmas morning 2011
I love the looks on both of their faces.
I was Inspired
This photo inspired me to learn how to use my camera in more than "Automatic" mode.
I plan on learning it inside and out, to use my camera to the best of my ability.
Spring Fever
Yellow Paperwasp, one of the few photos I have edited with texture, etc. I love my pics straight out of the camera. This picture makes me ache for spring, all the colors, the warmth and being outside.
Travel or Vacation
Son Aaron, just after he came back home to Wisconsin to live after living in Texas for 6 years. I hope we have many many more fishing trips like this one.
Summer Days
A Day in my Life
I start and end each day with a cup of tea. The favorite at the moment is called "Ginger Peach" although I do drink a cup of Chamomile before bed each night. I love the message on this cup too. I need to "Believe" in myself, in others and in a higher being.
All Smiles
One of my absolute favorite pictures of the year. It brings a smile to my face every time I see it. Grandson Ethan, being Ethan. I don't know why he decided to put the Milkweed fuzz on his face, I am just glad I had the camera ready when he did. I even like that the picture isn't centered. I am usually a very symmetric person, but in this case it works that it is asymmetrical.
Autumn Harvest
A picture from one of the many trips out Kim and I made this year. I would love to live here. Looks like heaven to me. I loved the colors left, even though it was a bit far into the leaf changing.
Family or Home
I wanted to use a picture of myself, my kids and Grand babies, but couldnt find a single shot with all of us in it! Instead of leaving someone out, I decided to use a picture of the view out my patio door. I spend a lot of time looking out while the dogs are outside, during storms and just when the sky is pretty. This view does represent "Home" to me, although I do think Home is where my loved ones are, wherever that may be.
I have used this picture before, but it does represent "Celebrate" to me. It was our Thanksgiving toast this year, wishing us all a happy, healthy, year and acknowledging our families first Thanksgiving without my Mother who passed away in May of 2011. She always wanted us to celebrate her life, instead of mourning her death. This one is for you Mom, I love you.
Let's Do It Again
Another of one of Kim's and my many nature walks. We walked the local Iceage trail, imagine our surprise to end up on a local golf course! We were laughing pretty hard about it. This is what we first saw rounding the corner. It was a complete accident that the sun was streaming through the power lines in the back, almost making it look like it was lit by the sun! I thought it was kind of cool. Cant wait to spend much more time on walks with you Kim! We just never know where we will go or what we will see.
I Miss You
As some of you know, my Daughter Courtney and Granddaughter Kileigh lived with me for almost 2 1/2 years. They recently moved out and I have a huge hole in my life and heart without them here. I got used to seeing them every day. I do miss them terribly. I love you girls.
I am completely in love with Hawks. This one has been hanging around my house for a couple of weeks now. I feel it is my animal totem. I even named him "AJ" Green Bay Packer fans will get a chuckle out of that one. This particular day I was sewing at the kitchen table, looked up and out the patio door to see AJ on my patio! Mind you, I live in the middle of the city, so it's not a common sight. I ran for my camera and was able to get this shot of him flying away. This is beautiful to me.
Dress Up
Trying to get a picture of this little nut without her tongue sticking out or a forced fake smile is almost impossible. I had to settle for a goofy pose instead. Kileigh in her Christmas dress.
I can't say this is my absolute favorite macro shot. It is one of many favorites. I couldn't nail it down and wanted to include my dear sweet Maddux. He is the best dog in the world, my best friend, my confidant, my shoulder to cry on and one of my biggest fans. I see nothing but love in his eyes. He follows me everywhere. He can make me smile even when my world is crumbling around me. We have been together for 7 years now. He is in Renal failure and I dont know how much more time I have with him. I Love you buddy.
Not a good quality picture, but to me its a perfect representation of what Christmas is all about, which is the children. The look on her face of anticipation is priceless. This is just before we opened presents, when Kileigh was told to go sit by the tree and get ready to open her presents. She almost is beside herself with excitement.
My Favorite
I picked this one as my favorite (its one of my favorites) because it is one of the first shots I really took my time with, paid attention to the placement and composition, and really was pleased with the end result. It was taken before I got my Canon, with a Fujifilm camera. I thought it turned out nicely with a pretty mediocre camera, but showed my growth as a photographer.
Don't Ever Change
My Son-in-law Michael and Daughter Jessica. They are so in love, expecting baby #2, genuine lovely, caring people. They always open their home and hearts to our family. They are supportive and generous. They are both hard working and honest. I hope they never change. I love you guys.
Just Because....so there!
I find this photo so peaceful, calm and beautiful. One of my favorites of the last year. I was so excited when I first saw it on my pc, and find myself drawn to it time and time again. Straight out of the camera, just the way I like it!
Hopes and Dreams
Wishing you nothing but the best in 2012. Thank you for joining me on my creative journey. I appreciate it more than you will ever know.
Great photos! I hope your pup isn't feeling too poorly ..what kind is he? Looks gorgeous!
What great snapshots of your 2011! Hope your 2012 is just as amazing!
Your snapshots from 2011 are amazing. Your photos show so much love and happiness! Beauty is all around us, surrounding ourselves in it can only enrich our lives more, calm our souls and inspire us! You have capture phenomenal photos this year, I can't wait to be by your side capturing more in 2012! Our walks and time together have inspired me so much! Love you! AV GEEK to the END!
Tracey, I enjoyed going back through your 2011 in your photos, you do beautiful work. I'm so glad that you were able to get the in flight shot of the hawlk I remember that was one of your desire shots, and it is so neat that he has chosen your house to hang out at, this really must be your totum.
What a lovely collection of photos from the year. Family is so important to me as well and how nice it must be to have your son back near you again. Happy New Year!
Your post spoke to me....I am dealing with the hopes that I won't be so negative this year also.. I hope to be able to follow you.. I loved so many of your shots.. THe milkweed... shape... I hope you daughter Courtney doesn't live to far away...the eye shot... macro was fun...Nice work. here is to being positive...
Happy New year
Your nature shots are spectacular - seriously. And I love your I love you shot. Beautiful work. Happy New Year!
Hi Tracey,
I always look forward to your picture day. I am so glad we were teamed-up for the blog party or I might not have came across your blog. Loved your 2011...
Wow! You're like the bird in flight expert! Seriously amazing! All your nature shots are spectacular! Wishing you a blessed new year!
Ooh you are a bird lover like I am! I love hawks too! We see them everywhere here in Northwest NJ... I have yet to capture one in a picture yet. SOon hopefully! Beautiful pictures and happy new year!
Aha . . I have found another bird-lover! Great collection . . . really enjoyed them all.
You have always blown me away with your incredible beading, and now your photography . . . well, talk about incredible!
I loved reading through this post and catching up with you. 2011 has been a rocky year for us both, yet you have managed to keep up your blog and learn a new artform. Me? Hmm, I'm lucky I remember my name these days! What's your secret Tracey?? lol
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