

In disguise


Photographers Choice
My goodness, 2 posts in 1 day!? What is going on? I am having fun, that is what's going on! I decided to participate in another photo challenge this week. It is called Scavenger Hunt Sunday. This weeks prompts sounded enticing, so I thought I would give it a try. I hope you like my takes on the subject matters. Have a wonderful week, I know I will!
such lovely shots this week
So cute in disguise
Love this set! The purple is beautiful and adorable disguise!
Love your shots. The purple is so vivid and the food is making me hungry, it looks very good. I agree with Cedar, the disguise shot is so adorable.
I love your set of prompts and especially the disguise one, how cute!! I love the shape one, very interesting and the colors in the last one.
Food looks totally delicious! Love the purple clematis, too.
That purple and choice shot are just amazing!! Love your finds!
That purple and choice shot are just amazing!! Love your finds!
That "disguise" capture is just too darn cute! Love it!
Your shots are amazing! I have to agree the tunnel is amazing....but then when I see it I think of our adventure! Have to say it was so AWESOME!
Tracey, you are a very talented photographer. I love all of the shots, but I have to say the sunset is my favorite.
The sunset is beautiful...but I love the tunnel shot for shapes!!
What a beautiful job - I love purple!
I'm your newest follower. Love your photography!
Very nice you always take the best photos Tracey
Have a great week,
I came back, after sending your address to a few people, to check out your other work! I am in awe!! I will be back!!
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