Mainly One Color #1 Staircase
Mainly One Color #2 Railing around Rock River Downtown Janesville

Around the Home House Finch I shot in our tree
Reflection tree reflected in a buildings window
Writing on a statue in the Courthouse square
Water Rock River in Riverside Park
I am once again participating in Ashley Sisk's Scavenger Hunt Sunday. I am really enjoying this challenge because it makes me think outside the box! I am usually more of a nature photographer, but some of the prompts wouldn't be as effective using strictly nature shots. I really had fun with all the beautiful architecture around my home town.
This weeks prompts are as follows: 1. Mainly one color 2. Around the Home 3. Reflection 4. Writing 5. Water. My SIL Kim and I met yet again at our local coffee shop for breakfast/lunch on Friday. We were joined by Jess (daughter) and Ethan (grandson)and even Son in law Mike made an appearance! We needed to figure out where we wanted to go for our weekly photo shoot. Kim suggested downtown Janesville, I was game, so off we went! What a great day we had even though it was in the upper 20's early in the day, and super windy. Most of the photos I am posting today are from that trip. Enjoy!
just the bird and the
All these are so amazing! That little house finch looks so cold! What an amazing time we are having with our coffee/photo dates! <3 them and you :)
I love the Finch so pretty!
Wow, a great set. I have to agree with the others before me, the finch is really a great shot.
Beautiful shots Tracey, love all the colors and textures in the photos. The poor little House Finch needs to find a warm place to sit.
These are all just fantastic!
Lovely series.
The Finch in the (Around the Home) photo is just beautiful.
Great (Reflection) Shot -Love Old Buildings like that.
Love the perspective of your (Mainly One Color) shot of the Staircase and the textural aspect of the Bridge.
Nice (Writing) shot on the statue.
Peaceful (Water) shot of the park.
Your SIL and you found some amazing things to shoot this week - you are both very creative.
It looks like that house finch is strikin' a pose for you! Wonderful capture!
Simply Beautiful! I love the reflection photo and the bird.
Great set - I really like your reflection shot.
these are all really good, but reflection is my favorite. Wow, I could look at that all day, trying to decide which is really the tree, and which is the reflection!
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