Saturday, December 1, 2012

I did it!!

Bead Journal Project 2013

I did it, I joined up with Robin Atkins Bead Journal Project again this year. I have to admit, last year was a complete flop for me. I never started or completed a single piece. My life last year was a mess. I had some serious personal issues, some medical issues, suffered some tremendous losses and also experienced some tremendous gains. We added a beautiful new grandbaby (Brady Alan) to our family and said goodbye to my sweet boy Maddux. I am hoping 2013 is a much better year for me and my family. I would love a calm and peaceful year this year please?? I look forward to seeing everyones work and being part of the wonderful community the past years BJP has to offer. I am still working on my ideas for 2013's project. Since I didn't complete any pieces last year, I may go with the same idea I was tossing around then, or I may go off in an entirely different direction too. I have about a month to think of an idea, watch for a post here when I finally do.

1 comment:

Robin said...

Maybe a piece that tells of your wish for a more even-keeled, peaceful year is in order, at least for January.... Sometimes beading becomes a prayer, and sometimes the prayer is answered... Just a thought...

Glad you're back, Tracy!

xo R