How is everyone? I feel like I am neglecting my blog (and my beadwork) so I thought I would post a couple of teaser pictures of my may BJP. As I said in a previous post, I don't want my daughter Jess to see this page until it is finished, so that's all I can post for now. At least you have a taste of what it looks like for now!
We had a wonderful weekend this past weekend. On Saturday we had a family cookout at Mike and Jessica's house. My sister Kim and her husband Alex were visiting from Texas so we all got together to celebrate seeing them. Her daughter Kara and hubby Adam and their 2 little adorable girls were there, My hubby and I, Jess and Mike, daughter Courtney and grand-angel Kileigh, my Mom and dad were also able to come for the cookout. It was nice catching up with everyone. I wish we all got to see each other more. Its so hard having family out of state. We just have to make the most of it when we are able to get together! HI KARA!! I am so happy to know you check my blog every week! Love you all!